Monday, March 20, 2017

Preschool Dinosaur Day & Letter "D" Activities

We follow a curriculum that doesn't teach the letters of the alphabet in alphabetical order. When I saw that the week to teach letter "D" was dangerously near National Dinosaur Week (yeah, it's a real thing) I had to combine the two into a delightful day of dinosaur, letter "D" themed learning.
Disgusted with the "D" words yet? ;)
We started the day with dinosaur you guys remember this stuff? It certainly brings back childhood memories for me. Cook the oatmeal and tiny (candy) dinosaurs hatch out of little sugar eggs!
After circle time we read "Dinosaurs Galore!" by Giles Andreae, illustrated by David Wojlowycz. This book is literally so beloved and adored by my children that each page has fallen out and been taped back in at least once, but I couldn't miss another opportunity to read this to them and include it in our lesson. 

A fun little fine motor and literacy reinforcement afterward - found this printable gem on Pinterest! If you haven't seen my Pinterest board yet, you can find this printable saved to the "January" board along with many other ideas that came from the other genius bloggers and teachers of Pinterest. :)

We took a break for Dinosaur Yoga and much repeat playing of "We Are the Dinosaurs" from the Laurie Berkner band on YouTube. The Dinosaur Yoga pin is just adorable, this blogger took the time to detail how to describe each yoga pose as a dinosaur or baby dino egg...the kids LOVED it!

Another printable helped us to do our letter D dinosaur craft which involved coloring, stamping, cutting and gluing. All of DG's favorite things to do pretty much, with very minimal direction from mama. ;)

We love our Usborne books and I think that "I'm a Dirty Dinosaur" is just top notch. The illustrations are so fun and the storyline seems to really captivate the little ones. We read this before nap time to wrap up our dinosaur day - it has that nice alliteration - Dirty Dinosaur - to reinforce the letter "D" literacy component. 

Last spring we did dinosaurs around the world using "I'm A Dirty Dinosaur" and our Dinosaur World Atlas sticker book. I was just getting DG started with learning to use safety scissors, so he cut all of the pieces for this dinosaur independently and then we worked together to glue them into the shape of our dinosaur friend here. 

It's so crazy to look back and see how much he's grown in less than a year. But I had to include this fun dinosaur activity as well. :) 


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